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We all live in a world where we are constantly told that there is no known cure for cancer, and only one treatment that is obtained by doctors in that condition is chemotherapy. However, we all understand that chemotherapy gives because it is more risky than giving healing in your health problems.

However, more and more people in all over the world are convinced that nature and filled provide traditional natural solutions, not conventional ones.

Most of them successfully conquered cancer using natural herbs and homemade medicines, such as baking soda, turmeric, carrots, and cannabis. 

Beyond that, the most recent drug, as written by the study, is the famous honey. 

Here's the story: 

  • 13 years old. a while ago, Ante Kresich was diagnosed if he suffered one of the most risky types of cancer - lung cancer. 
  • Then, the Croatian doctor told him that he did not have enough time left behind. Luckily, he showed them wrong. 
  • He is completely recovered, using honey and some healing herbs. Today he is a healthy man and he always keeps bees. 
  • He was discharged from the hospital in the mth. April and he is even a different person next summer. Also, doctors were shocked when they saw that he was still alive and well when he was doing regular control at the hospital. 
  • Beyond that, they are not sure of the results of the control either. in Zagreb, and the doctor was surprised because he was still alive. 
  • He is always recommended for therapy by doctors. His healing with honey and herbs destroyed his cancer and finally showed no trace of the disease. 
  • Kresic decided to retell his own story and help people in the same condition to heal themselves as he did. 
  • Honey is one of the most important natural solutions for men to recognize and is thought to be a holy food for centuries. 
  • Honey has been used since ancient times, due to many of its medicinal characteristics. Honey is also used in religious cults, ritual embalming, and for a long time honey is an elite privilege, because honey is quite expensive. 
  • More than 3 000 years old. Old honey was found in Tutankhamun's tomb. Throughout the war, the Romans and Greeks used honey to strengthen the organism, and to heal wounds. 
  • In traditional medicine, this bee product has been used for hundreds of years ... This kind of thing is thought to be divine food, and is one of the most powerful natural cures for many diseases and problems. 
  • Although conventional medicine does not agree on this type of cancer cure, Kresich and several others testify that if combined with some spices such as pine, ginger and other plants, honey can cure cancer. 
  • Beyond that, a woman from Bosnia also shared an amazing story with her about her natural cancer remedy. 
  • After fighting cancer, he shares recipes that help him, to help others who suffer the pain of this deadly disease. 
  • He was diagnosed with endocrine cancer and he spent 20 days in intensive care, and all believed that he did not have more time left. 
  • Nevertheless, he decided to try natural healing, and in just a few days he came back to life. The method is a medicine made from ginger and honey. 
  • Without chemotherapy, he recovered on his own, and as he put it at this time, he was healthier than before, because the cancer had completely disappeared. 

The recipe he uses is as follows: 

Cut two large ginger roots and combine them with ½ kg of organic honey. He also references that homemade honey must be bought from beekeepers on. 

Put the mixture in a glass bottle and consume 1 tablespoon, 3-4 times a day. You must use a wooden or plastic spoon, and not a metal. After 4 days, you can see the effect. 

Remember, it is highly recommended that you always be positive unless the doctor estimates.
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