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5 complications of dental avulsion that you should be aware of

A dental avulsion is the removal of a tooth from the socket due to damage to the periodontal ligament that should hold the t…

Oct 17, 2020

Save Tooth Loss in the following ways

Tooth loss or tooth avulsion is defined as the detachment of the tooth from the socket in the gum. Permanent dental avulsion…

Oct 16, 2020

These 4 Conditions Can Trigger Gum Pain

Gum pain occurs due to gingivitis or inflammation of the gums. This condition can irritate and cause tooth loss. Inflammatio…

Oct 16, 2020

These are the causes of cavities that you need to avoid

You have often heard about the prohibition of consuming sugary foods or drinks because they can cause cavities. But you know…

Oct 16, 2020

Mouth Feel Dry? Beware of the Cause and the Result!

Dry mouth is not a serious problem. That's what most people think. For a moment this condition feels like something triv…

Oct 16, 2020

Causes of festering gums and the right way to overcome them

THEBOEGIS.COM - Have you ever experienced festering gums? This condition generally appears accompanied by swelling an…

Oct 15, 2020

BlueStacks Offline Installer

THEBOEGIS.COM – Software to access the internet : BlueStacks is a program used to run android applications on your PC or…

Oct 15, 2020