
Benefits of leaf Jombang efficacy for body health

Jombang, overcoming inflammation or abscess of the breast, inflammation of the gallbladder, chronic stomach ulcers, Jomban…

Apr 11, 2020

Benefits of basil leaves for health and ejaculation

Basil is also widely known by the scientific name Ocimum Basilicum Var. Anisatum Benth. Basil leaves are leaves that are b…

Apr 11, 2020

Benefits of Mulberry leaves for body health

Mulberry is called Morusalba L or Morus Indica L. Included in the Moraceae family of plants. This plant is known by the na…

Apr 11, 2020

Benefits of Mango Leaf for Diabetes Health and medication

Mango leaves have many benefits as antimicrobial, antioxidant, mango leaves for diabetes, as well as preventing cancer. Th…

Apr 11, 2020

Benefits of leaf dollar for body health

The Latin name of the plant known as the dollar Plant is Zamioculcas zamifolia. It originated in the African continent,…

Apr 8, 2020

Benefits of the efficacy of Ginseng leaves for body health

The most expensive ginseng and have good quality are wild ginseng derived from Manchuria. The plant part of ginseng that …

Apr 5, 2020

Benefits of spinach leaves for body health and drug Anemia

Amaranthus SPP Plant or the more we know by the name Spinach Vegetable is one of the plants that we are easily met and of…

Apr 5, 2020

Benefits of Orthosiphon Aristatus for body Health

Ortthosiphon Aristatus belongs to the botanical family of Labiatae or Lamiaceae. This plant is known as the region Remu…

Mar 27, 2020