
Advantages of computer Mainframe you need to know

The use of mainframe computers is currently only intended for private companies or government agencies. Because mainframe …

Mar 16, 2020

Mainframe computer Z14 ZR1 price, this feature makes it expensive

Recently many were made curious at what price computer Mainframe Z14 ZR1. It is because after the emergence of news about…

Mar 16, 2020

Computer Mainframe: Understanding and its (discussing full)

Computer Mainframe: Understanding and its (discussing full) – The following will be explained in a straightforward way abo…

Mar 16, 2020

Mainframe Computer Systems and Multiprogram Batch Systems

Mainframe computer processing large applications and data. With a very expensive price and its function also to proces…

Dec 7, 2019

History of Computer Mainframes

The mainframe computer is a device created by IBM even though it was considered outdated in the 90s by its competitors, but…

Dec 7, 2019

Mainframe Computers: Definition and Characteristics (Complete Discussion)

THEBOEGIS.COM -  Mainframe Computers: Definition and Characteristics (Complete Discussion) - The following will be expla…

Dec 4, 2019

Website BAPPEDA Pangandaran Jadi Sasaran Hacker Tiap Hari

Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (Bappeda) Pangandaran mengungkapkan bila website miliknya itu hampir setiap hari diret…

Oct 6, 2018

Awas! Hasil Pilpres 2019 "Bakal" Diacak-acak Hacker Internasional

Semua pihak yang berkepentingan dengan Pilpres 2019 harus memperkuat pertahanan sistem IT agar tidak bisa ditembus hacker. …

Oct 4, 2018

Server Instagram Down/Tumbang

Tumbangnya Instagram tidak hanya dialami oleh pengguna di Indonesia. Berdasarkan pengamatan di Twitter, banyak netizen dari…

Oct 3, 2018

50 Juta Akun Facebook Dibobol Hacker, Ini Bahaya yang Menghantui

Facebook diretas, membuat setidaknya ada 50 juta penggunanya yang berada dalam bahaya. Tanpa ada efek samping pun peretas…

Oct 3, 2018

Hacker Ditangkap Setelah Hack Situs Akademi Militer AS

Seorang pria dari California mengaku bersalah meretas situs web militer dan pemerintah dalam kampanye defacement terkait …

Oct 3, 2018

Cloudflare Ikut Ramaikan Persaingan Domain Registrar

Cloudflare, Inc. adalah perusahaan AS yang menyediakan layanan jaringan pengiriman konten, mitigasi DDoS, keamanan Internet,…

Oct 2, 2018