
Benefits and efficacy of water white for body health

White Water is one of the intermediaries needed by the body, so by consuming water at least 8 glasses in a day, then we ca…

أبريل 11, 2020

Benefits of small chaminating efficacy for body health

Small hump is planted as an ornamental plant in the garden and in the yard of the house or can be found as a wild plant on…

أبريل 11, 2020

Benefits of persimmon efficacy for body health

Persimmon is known to have high tannins content. That is why, the fruit with the scientific name Diospyros feet has a sens…

أبريل 11, 2020

Benefits and Efficacy of Lute for Health

Lutes are usually eaten fresh, or processed into sweets, 'chutney', jams, jelly 'marmelade', also preserve…

أبريل 11, 2020

Benefits of peach fruit for healthy body and skin

Peaches contain a lot of vitamin C so it can be used to remove dark circles on the eyes and black stains. Macro nutrition …

أبريل 11, 2020

Benefits of leaf Jombang efficacy for body health

Jombang, overcoming inflammation or abscess of the breast, inflammation of the gallbladder, chronic stomach ulcers, Jomban…

أبريل 11, 2020

Benefits of basil leaves for health and ejaculation

Basil is also widely known by the scientific name Ocimum Basilicum Var. Anisatum Benth. Basil leaves are leaves that are b…

أبريل 11, 2020

Benefits of Mulberry leaves for body health

Mulberry is called Morusalba L or Morus Indica L. Included in the Moraceae family of plants. This plant is known by the na…

أبريل 11, 2020

Benefits of Mango Leaf for Diabetes Health and medication

Mango leaves have many benefits as antimicrobial, antioxidant, mango leaves for diabetes, as well as preventing cancer. Th…

أبريل 11, 2020

Benefits and efficacy of pomegranate fruit for body health

Pomegranate bak fruit legend. Mentioned in many Hikayat, this fruit is also full of benefits. In addition to offering fres…

أبريل 11, 2020

Benefits of Leci fruit efficacy for health and skin lightening

Leci is one of the most familiar tropical fruits in Indonesia. This little one turned out to save a lot of benefits for a…

أبريل 8, 2020

Benefits of leaf dollar for body health

The Latin name of the plant known as the dollar Plant is Zamioculcas zamifolia. It originated in the African continent,…

أبريل 8, 2020

Benefits of Mangosteen skin for body Health

In Mangosteen, especially in the skin of the fruit is very strong anti-oxidant substance with a content of nearly 10 time…

أبريل 8, 2020

Benefits of the efficacy of Ginseng leaves for body health

The most expensive ginseng and have good quality are wild ginseng derived from Manchuria. The plant part of ginseng that …

أبريل 5, 2020

Benefits of Lontar fruits for body health

The fruits or north Shore people are more familiar with the name Ental or Lontar is widely found in mountainous areas and…

أبريل 5, 2020

Benefits of spinach leaves for body health and drug Anemia

Amaranthus SPP Plant or the more we know by the name Spinach Vegetable is one of the plants that we are easily met and of…

أبريل 5, 2020

Benefits of Orthosiphon Aristatus for body Health

Ortthosiphon Aristatus belongs to the botanical family of Labiatae or Lamiaceae. This plant is known as the region Remu…

مارس 27, 2020

Benefits of pear fruit efficacy for body health

High Vitamin C content in pears is an important body ammunition to prevent the growth of cancer cells and keep the body&#…

مارس 27, 2020

Benefits of Insulin leaf efficacy for Diabetes disease

Diabetes is a disease that must be wary of Indonesian people. International Diabetes Federation mentions that Indonesia h…

مارس 24, 2020

Purple sweet potato benefits for health and weight loss

Food that can be a beautiful food coloring with the color of this wood has a series of excellent nutrients to support the…

مارس 24, 2020